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Dog Saved From Shark-Bait Fate :

It happened on the French-controlled Island of Réunion, a small volcanic island off Africa’s East coast.
There were multiple cases reported of using dogs as baits for high-sea fishing business, particularly shark fishing. Several parts of the body or simply alive bleeding animals were hooked and thrown overboard!
       In the picture you can see a veterinarian on the island of Réunion, just off the coast of Africa, prepares to remove a fishing hook from a pet dog's snout this past summer. The dog had escaped fishers who planned to use it as shark bait, according to the animal rights group that shot the video from which the image is taken.
       Though apparently restricted to a few amateur fishers, the practice is now seen as a problem on the French-controlled island, which teems with stray dogs and cats. Local authorities this month fined a man for hooking a puppy, and the French government has issued a statement condemning the illegal practice.
       The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Friday Harbor from Washington State is announcing now a reward amount of US$1,000 for island’s police districts. This money will be used for searching, arrests and preventions from those barbarian methods of using life dog and cats as bait for sharks. There is new low about making it’s illegal for fishing boats to carry any live or dead animals has been issued.

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